2024/12/02 - 02/12
SWFC年末感恩季|共赏冬日繁花 聆听温暖乐章2024/09/27 - 10/18
报名启动!上海环球金融中心第十届垂直天空马拉松11月重磅开跑!2024/08/15 - 08/24
仲夏YEAH玩 |SWFC Beer Festival“酒”等你来嗨啤一“夏”2024/07/20 - 07/28
家庭花园|夏日游园会报名开启!2024/03/18 - 04/21
SWFC花漫舞 |繁花缤纷邀您共度春日好时节!2023/12/04 - 02/25
上海环球金融中心┃2023年冬季活动暖心登场!2023/12/23 - 12/24
冬日嘉年华|SWFC冬季家庭花园火热来袭!2023/12/15 - 12/15
精彩回顾|2023陆家嘴巅峰歌王争霸赛2023/12/06 - 12/15
巅峰歌王争霸赛|2023燃情回归,寻找陆家嘴实力唱将!2023/11/11 - 11/12
一起玩逛故事会|SWFC秋季家庭花园活动火热开启!2023/10/20 - 10/20
【活动前须知道】倒计时3天!这份活动装备领取通知一定要打开2023/10/21 - 10/21
上海环球金融中心垂直天空马拉松10月重磅开跑2023/08/19 - 08/20
夏日游园会 | 上海环球金融中心夏季家庭花园火热来袭!2023/03/27 - 04/28
绿动环球 | “绿动漫步计划”正式上线!2023/03/12 - 05/12
寻古·探今·畅未来2022/11/21 - 12/02
昌古硕今 友邻相好2022/10/24 - 11/11
Fresh IN2022/05/19 - 06/03
Healing Lifestyle2021/12/25 - 12/26
Family Garden First encounter winter2021/12/13 - 12/24
Winter’s Imagination2021/10/30 - 10/31
Family Garden Autumn Garden Party2021/10/25 - 11/05
Autumn Garden2021/10/20 - 10/20
SWFC Lunchtime Concert2021/07/08 - 07/08
SWFC Lunchtime Concert2021/06/21 - 06/21
SWFC Lunchtime Concert2021/06/05 - 06/06
Family Garden Delightful Early Summer2021/05/19 - 05/19
SWFC Lunchtime Concert2021/05/15 - 05/16
Family Garden Spring Dreamland2021/04/08 - 04/08
SWFC Lunchtime Concert2021/03/24 - 04/28
Blooming Spring2020/12/19 - 12/26
Amazing Winter2020/12/02 - 12/25
Colorful Winter2020/10/24 - 10/31
Family Garden Colorful Autumn2020/10/27 - 11/06
SWFC 2020 Autumn Lunchtime Concert and Taste Test2020/10/12 - 10/16
Senhuohui Membership Recruitment2019/10/26 - 10/27
Family Garden Autumn Version2019/04/20 - 04/21
Family Garden Spring Version2018/12/22 - 12/23
Family Garden Christmas Version2018/04/14 - 04/15
Family Garden Spring Version2017/12/16 - 12/17
Family Garden Christmas Version2017/10/28 - 10/29
Family Garden Halloween Vision2017/08/19 - 08/20
Family Garden
- 2024/12/02 - 02/12Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2024/09/27 - 10/18Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2024/08/15 - 08/24Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2024/07/20 - 07/28Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2024/03/18 - 04/21Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2023/12/04 - 02/25Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2023/12/23 - 12/24Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2023/12/15 - 12/15Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2023/12/06 - 12/15Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2023/11/11 - 11/12Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2023/10/20 - 10/20Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2023/10/21 - 10/21Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2023/08/19 - 08/20Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2023/03/27 - 04/28Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2023/03/12 - 05/12Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center寻古·探今·畅未来 | 2023首届陆家嘴金融城青少年绘画大赛
- 2022/11/21 - 12/02Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center纪念中日邦交正常化五十周年吴昌硕交流展
- 2022/10/24 - 11/11Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterFresh IN
- 2022/05/19 - 06/03Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterHealth Energy Art Lifestyle
- 2021/12/25 - 12/26Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterEnjoy the SWFC Winte Garden Party
- 2021/12/13 - 12/24Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2021/10/30 - 10/31Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterEnjoy the SWFC Autumn Garden Party
- 2021/10/25 - 11/05Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2021/10/20 - 10/20Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterSWFC Lunchtime Concert
- 2021/07/08 - 07/08Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterSWFC Lunchtime Concert
- 2021/06/21 - 06/21Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center木管五重奏 —— 幻音迎夏
- 2021/06/05 - 06/06Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterEnjoy the SWFC Delightful Early Summer
- 2021/05/19 - 05/19Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center民乐——凤鸣古韵
- 2021/05/15 - 05/16Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterEnjoy the SWFC Spring Dreamland
- 2021/04/08 - 04/08Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterClassic Guitar
- 2021/03/24 - 04/28Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterThe Shanghai World Financial Center invites you to enjoy the sunshine and Sakura of spring.
- 2020/12/19 - 12/26Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial Center
- 2020/12/02 - 12/25Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterChristmas Concert and Winter Fair are all here in the “SWFC COLORFUL WINTER”.
- 2020/10/24 - 10/31Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterEnjoy the Online SWFC Colorful Autumn
- 2020/10/27 - 11/06Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterSWFC 2020 Autumn Lunchtime Concert and Taste Test
- 2020/10/12 - 10/16Shanghai World Financial CenterSWFC / HSBTSenhuohui Membership Recruitment
- 2019/10/26 - 10/27Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterEnjoy the Magic Tours
- 2019/04/20 - 04/21Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterEnjoy the spring time with your children in "Family Garden" !
- 2018/12/22 - 12/23Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterMerry Christmas! I hope that Santa Claus will achieve all your desire and give you a best gift.
- 2018/04/14 - 04/15Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterEnjoy the spring time with your children in “Family Garden”!
- 2017/12/16 - 12/17Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterBring your children to Shanghai World Financial Center to enjoy a happy Christmas!
- 2017/10/28 - 10/29Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterBring your children to Shanghai World Financial Center to enjoy a funny Halloween!
- 2017/08/19 - 08/20Shanghai World Financial CenterShanghai World Financial CenterFamily-oriented event with the theme of "Sports".